
stay away from my daughter

oh, late nights and early mornings. up 'til two reading blogs, and up again at six to get ready for golf. it's my first game of golf of the year, and we're playing a course called the challenger. called me masochistic, but i am thrilled.
it'll be interesting how the game turns out, considering;
- it's my first game of the year,
- i'm sore from my game,
- and it's called the challenger. i mean, come on.

my dad is convinced that i can go pro. he rants and raves about my swing. he doesn't seem to notice that i shoot something like, 30 over par. (for those of you who don't play golf, that's bad. it means i take 30 more shots than the 'par', which is kind of another way of saying the 'norm'.)
so, we'll see how today goes. i hope everyone has a lovely day!
i'm ready for a nap already...

1 comment:

  1. awww i never ever tried playing golf. it would be so fun to try, you make it sounds like it hehe
