
here in your arms

i feel awful about not having been able to post recently... but please, bear with me!

i am me. and when i say me, i really mean that i'm weird...
i can be loud, or i can hardly talk.
i like people to notice me, but not to make me a huge deal.
i don't like being the center of attention.
i am addicted to music.
i'm goofy.
i'm artsy farsty.
i laugh at everything.
i cry easily, which is another way of saying i'm highly emotional.
i love hugs and cuddling.
i have green eyes, and most people recognize me because of my orange hair.
i'm pale with freckles, and i've learned to embrace them.
i like to think i'm creative, and i like to think i'm strong.
i'm a peaceful person, i dislike any kind of fighting.
i hate it when people yell, even if it's not at me.
i used to be a tomboy, and i can still be intimidating if i want to be.
i've had people who would describe me as fierce.
i can be very sensitive, or i can take any number of insults without feeling a thing.
if i could change the world, i'd rather sleep.
i love having my nails look pretty, but i hate taking care of them.
i take great pride in my ability to take pictures.
i always use terms of endearment, like dear, darling, love, honey.
i am in love with love.
and i just cannot wait until i can fall in love.

how would you describe yourself?



  1. love that description of yourself - love the contrasts and contradictions.

    describing yourself is always something a little tricky and it's interesting too to compare how you describe yourself and how your close friends describe you.

  2. What a lovely post, I'm inspired to do one myself! Thank you:)

  3. So lovely, I think we share many of the same redhead sentiments!
